15 de julio de 2015

Chizumulu island (english version)

Our first intention was to spend a couple of days at Likoma. It's a small island in the lake closer to Mozambique's boarder than to Malawi's, though it belongs to this one. However in our return from Zambia we spent one night at Mzuzu where we met some travellers withthe same idea and the owner (Nick) of Likoma's neighbour island's only hotel.

Two days later we step into one of the ferrys (Chambo) that goes to Chizumulu and Likoma. If Likoma is small (8km long and 3km wide), Chizumulu is even smaller. And there is only one place to stay: Wakwenda Retreat.

There are few things to do in the island: take a walk, lay in the sun, watch sunsets, snorkeling and relax  (sometime ago you could dive, now you have to go to Likoma for that); and that is what we did with the people that joined us (or that we joined), although if you xhoose to go to Chizumulu you might be alone. Don't worry, Nick can always tell you stories.

The way back to Nkhata Bay was caos again, but this time on the Ilala. Schedules are not exact because it depends on how much do they have to load an unload, how many people get on and off. Ilala goes from the southest part of the lake to the northest, and it has several stops, therefore it's difficult to pteredict timetables. In pur case we were 9h late on arrival to Nkahata Bay.

My suggestion: patience, the islands are worth it,


More and more sunsets

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